Thursday, December 16, 2010

Spiritual Woman review

Spiritual Woman
December 16, 2010

Book Review: Red in the Flower Bed

by Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur

Red in the Flower Bed by Andrea Nepa is a children's picture book about interracial adoption. Truly, though, it is a simple beautiful book about not belonging, being different, and finding a place to fit in which could be used in many different situations. It tells of a poppy seed carried by the wind. The seed finds itself in a distant flower bed, filled with roses, marigolds, and violets. The poppy flower grows in the fertile soil and helps complete the perfect rainbow of color. The poppy is exactly where it belongs.

Andrea Nepa is the mother of an adopted Vietnamese daughter named Leah. In 2001, Adoptions from the Heart assisted with the international adoption. Andrea dedicated her book to her daughter: "For my dear Leah, whose journey in her young life has already taken her to far away and unexpected places." In 2006, Leah was diagnosed with cancer. She is currently in remission. Andrea lives with Leah and her husband, David, in Haddonfield, New Jersey. She is a registered dietitian for the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

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