'A poppy by any other name..., January 25, 2009 RED IN THE FLOWER BED is a storybook for children and grownups alike, a charming extended rhyming poem that tells the story of a seed that drops frrm a poppy flower onto ground too hard for it to grow and thus begins a journey through nature's seasons and climes, carrying the wandering seed to a family garden where the seed drops by the grace of seasons and climate changes and grows into the bright red poppy - the missing addition to a garden longing to have all the colors of the rainbow. It is a simple tale but one rich in meaning and a subtle but poignant statement about interracial adoption.
Part of the beauty of this book is the choice of illustration. Since a separate illustrator has not been named, we can only assume that the poet, Andrea Nepa, has provided the colorful accompaniments. Her selection of using collage - using pieces of paper from a wide assortment of resources - enhances the book's message: we are all one and can come together despite our varied backgrounds and form a single entity of a family. This is a lovely little book that can be either appreciated as a story of nature's taking care of her elements, or as a warm statement about interracial adoption. A very nice touch! Grady Harp, January 09
| Adorable Story, January 21, 2009 What an adorable book on interracial adoption. The only problem I had was, if it had not been for the cover, I would not of known it was a book about interracial adoption. We follow a poppy seed along it's journey until it finds a place to land. It is cared for and flourishes in a garden filled with many beautiful flowers. It grows into a beautiful red poppy. The red poppy completes the color that is needed to create a perfect rainbow of colors.
While this book is about adoption, it also applies to life in general. We all want to belong and to be loved by others. Especially children who have no family, or the ones who are of a different race. Color is what you see, and often times a childs heart and soul is never seen. There are times no one looks into a childs eyes to see what lays there. The fear and the longing to belong. I applaud all of you out there who see a child for what they are and not for the color of their skin. I honestly have no choice in my mind and heart, but to give this book a five star rating.
Whispering Winds Book Reviews
| A wonderful tribute to a blessed event., January 31, 2009 With simple eloquence and beautiful illustrations, this wonderful children's story describes the core or interracial adoption. This a terrific book for any family or a great gift for a friend adopting. |
| Red In A Flower Bed, January 30, 2009 As parents of an adopted grandchild, we sure welcome the interracial adoption story by Andrea Nepa. While our granddaughter is a loving, affectionate child, every once in a while she does question why would someone "just give her up/abandon her?" Andrea Nepa managed to explain this difficult and complex aspect of adoption in simple terms that are easy for the child to relate to. We are sure happy to have come across this story. Sincerely, Len and Mira Braunstein, both psychologists; Concord, N.H.
The subtitle is not obvious, yet it is still a good book about diversity, January 15, 2009 The subtitle of this book is "An Illustrated Children's Story About Interracial Adoption", but it is hard to discern that part of the story. It is about a poppy seed that falls from the flower and drifts with the wind until it lands in a garden. Once it germinates and grows into a flower it finds itself inside a garden containing all types of flowers and it feels happy to be a part of such a diverse family. It is a red poppy and all the other flowers welcome the color because it completes the rainbow. While an adult can see the theme of interracial adoption after being told that is what the story is about, it is not self-evident. Nevertheless, it is a nice story about the fundamentals of belonging and accepting differences, one that teaches children a valuable lesson about accepting and appreciating those that are different from us and that come from different places.
"A Story About Interracial Adopotion" , March 11, 2009 Red in the Flower Bed Written by: Andrea Nepa Published by: Tribute Reviewed by: Stephanie Rollins for ReviewYourBook.com 3/2009 ISBN: 13: 978-0-9814619-9-1 "A Story About Interracial Adopotion" 5 stars In simple terms, Nepa explains why some children who are adopted do not look like their family. The focus is on interracial adoptions, but any adopted child who does not feel they look like their adoptive parents will benefit from this book. Nepa explains that as a seed is carried with the wind to settle in fertile soil, a child sometimes is taken to another family to fully blossom. The illustrations are simple and child-like. They are very appropriate for this right-on-point book. This is the perfect introduction to a difficult topic. It is appropriate for the toddler years through elementary school.
| Red in the Flower Bed book review by Katie Hines, March 16, 2009 BOOK REVIEW by Katie Hines
This beautifully illustrated book about interracial adoption follows the story of a poppy seed that couldn't thrive and grow in its host environment. Through a journey, the poppy seed comes to rest, grow and blossom in a flower bed where there were other flowers of different types.
Just as a child is incorporated with joy into a new adoptive home, so was this poppy welcomed and allowed to thrive and grow in her new home of rainbow flowers. The book treats the subject of interracial adoption with tender, loving gentleness. A must read with your adopted, biracial child.
| very subtle reference to adoption, June 29, 2009 The idea of adoption is very subtle in this book but I find it to be a very easy way to introduce the idea of family diversity to a little one. |
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